Stretch & Mobility for Legs, Hips, & Groin | Advanced Movements

Join Rob in working on stretching and mobility of your legs, hips and groin on the GXMMAT mat.

1. 5-Part Hip Stretch: 0:01

2. Barbell Hamstring Roll Out: 1:50

3. Lying Wall Pike With Massage Ball Scrub: 2:48

4. Lying Sumo Wall squat With Resistance Band: 3:28

5. Standing Banded Hamstring Stretch: 3:43

6. Barbell Glute Roll Out: 4:43

7. Lying Knee Pull: 5:12

8. Cross-Legged Sprinters Stretch: 5:45

9. Sumo Squat High Band T-Stretch: 6:15

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